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Evil HR Lady

I agree--but not every company can afford to do what Brian Pomerleau did. They should make every effort to try, however.

I find that most managers (at least among exempt staff) are much more lenient than the handbook policies. When Evil Marketing Man's grandfather died, according to the official policy, I could take 1 day to attend the funeral.

Since the funeral was to be held 5 hours from our house, this was impossible. Fortunately my manager's response was "take whatever time you need."

One day probably would have been sufficient had they lived next door. But, they don't.

If your company is going to be stingy on berevement time, at least acknowlege that there may well be travel involved.


I couldn't agree with you more. Bosses with no genuine empathy and an obsessive need to track every dollar are only providing fuel for the disengaged workforce. It doesn't take much to act like human being - and the payback, although intangible, is significant

Emily Coltman

Not just in bereavement but in case of illness, bosses should be sympathetic.

While I was in my last job, my dad had a totally unexpected major heart attack. He was in the US at the time. I was in England.

I heard on a Saturday morning and promptly rang my boss to ask if I could go to the US to be with Dad.

"Just go" he said.

He didn't even mention that it was our busiest time of the year.

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