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Bad Manager

One lady used Daylight Savings Time as an excuse for her daily, persistent lateness. (This was about 2 months after DST was implemented.)

She also felt that she could not control if her daughter called her as she was walking out the door.

Working also caused headaches, making it necessary for her to call in sick several times. IN fact, all of the tasks that she did not like seemed to cause headaches.

She also complained about her salary and had paranoid fantasies about how little she was being paid compared to other employees. She was, in fact, at the top of her salary range. She assumed I was lying to her. (I confess she was right about that. I'm a dirty little liar and a big meany.)

Eventually, she quit in disgust (apparently - don't know exactly what disgusted her other than the lack of a gin dispenser in the break room), but re-applied a few months later. I look forward to ignoring her resumes for the rest of my (or at least her) life.

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