Gruntled Employees started 33 months ago with a post criticizing Radio Shack for firing employees by email ("Radio Shack Deletes 400 Workers, Common Sense"). A couple of days ago, our 122nd post castigated a law firm who fired people by voicemail ("Please leave your layoff message after the beep"). How far we've come.
During those 33 months, many people have visited the blog. Today, we enjoyed our 100,000th visit. To be sure, there are blogs out there who get 100,000 visits a day. Nevertheless, I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for reading and for contributing to the discussion, both here and at our sister blog on client value and service, The Client Revolution.
Thank you.
— Jay
Jay, I'm a little late to the party, but a hearty CONGRATULATIONS from me. 100,000 people is a lot, not matter what way you count. What you say is well considered...and matters. I really admire your work and your thought leadership. Here's to hundreds of thousands more!
Posted by: Frank Roche | 18 June 2009 at 03:33 PM