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Wally Bock

My favorite version of "treating people like children" is your average police department. There we select carefully to get the best people we can, train extensively, and give them the ability to make life and death choices. Having done that, we require them to get approval before buying office supplies. Go figure.

BTW, every great Italian restaurant I've ever eaten at has the proprietor or manager as a fixture in the dining room. "How's the meal?" "Did you get enough pasta?" "Would you like more sauce?"

Wally Bock

Congratulations! This post was selected as one of the five best independent business blog posts of the week in my Three Star Leadership Midweek Review of the Business Blogs.

Wally Bock

Jay Shepherd

Thanks, Wally. Honored and humbled. — Jay

And folks, make sure you add Wally's Three Star Leadership Blog to your RSS reader. Great stuff.

HR Guy

Treating employees with respect is perhaps one of the most significant features in running a business correctly. Although many might not agree, its definitely possible to adhere to rules and regulations as well as having fun and treating employees correctly. There should be absolutely no excuse for mistreatment of employees. This is just bad business practice.

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