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Firing at Will

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Doug Cornelius

I thought you were going to talk about the problems of running around half-naked.

I started watching Survivor because of Mark Burnett and his past production of the Eco-Challenge. I remember watching a race where a team of Navy Seals didn't make it past the first few checkpoints and the finishing teams were near death.

Now you've got me started thinking about how Survivor relates to compliance. (And about how Jimmy Johnson will survive without hair product.)

Natalie Loopbaanadvies

I thought what you meant by "like Survivor" was that employees doing their very best to not be fired, thus 'surviving' unemployment. But this is still an interesting post and a good analogy of the situations you encounter. Work can be full of drama and action, like Survivor.

Whiplash Lawyer

I love the idea of law firms breaking into song Glee style. Sadly in the UK there is zero chance of that catching on.

We do have quite a few Sue Silvesters in our particular practice though!

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