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Consider looking at the underlying goal of a company policy, not the particular technology it wants a policy to address. For example, if your policy said, 'Companies cannot use the phone/meet for lunch/sit next to each other on the subway to make disparaging comments about their employer'-- you'd be hard-pressed to defend that as a wise and sound policy. But the end result of a Facebook post is the same; only the technology is different. Sure, a post on a Facebook wall is more public than a Facebook message, but so is talking loudly on the subway so others can overhear. So long as the law is clear that the NLRB can protect employees' right to kvetch, I don't see that doing so on Facebook is substantively different than what's come before.

Jay Shepherd

I agree, Matt, that people tend to focus on the technology aspect (in this case, the Facebook platform) instead of the bigger picture. It's understandable, since there's a novelty about having a Facebook policy in the first place. My main problem is that companies have a knee-jerk reaction and want to start hyperlegislating Facebook usage. Nearly no employers have a policy forbidding "being mean at work." (Nor should they do.) Why then do they need a "being mean at work on Facebook" policy?

Thanks for your comment, Matt!

sales jobs

Is it the case that in america..employers are asking would be employees for their facebook passwords..


And we're not giving it to them! :)

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